Python concepts notes

Notes on some of Python concepts

September 7, 2022


April 5, 2023

These are some of my notes on python concepts I gathered from various sources.


super() allows to call the base class implicitly without the need to use the base class name explicitly. The main advantage is seen during multiple inheritance. The child classes that may be using cooperative multiple inheritance will call the correct next parent class function in the Method Resolution Order(MRO).

Syntax Python3 super().__init__() Python2 and still valid in python3 super(childclassname,self).__init__()

Avoid using like this – super(self.__class__,self).__init__(). This leads to recursion but fortunately python3 syntax standard side steps this problem.

More info in stackoverflow


__pycache__ is a directory containing python3 bytecode compiled and ready to be executed. This is done to speed up loading of the modules. Python caches the compiled version of each module in this directory. More info in the python official docs

Zip function

This function enables combination of elements in 2 or more lists. If the lists are of unequal lengths then the minimum length is taken.

For example - zip([1,2,3],["one", "two"]) returns a tuple (1, "one"), (2, "two"). Notice how 3 is not part of the zip operation.

Lambda function

Also knows as anonymous functions helps reduce the need to define unnecessary custom functions. For example, a function that returns a simple arithmetic operation can be made as a lambda function.

Example - lambda x,y,...: x+y+... - lambda takes several arguments but returns only one expression.

Map function

Map is a function that allows some kind of function upon a sequence. This sequence can be list, tuple, string etc.

Syntax: map(function, seq)

lambda functions are commonly used with map functions.

Example -

x = [1,2,3,4]
def square(x):
    return x*x
map(square,x) #-->returns an iterator in python3.
#To return in the desired sequence, use that as prefix in map. 
list(map(square,x)) #--> returns as a list.
[1, 4, 9, 16]

With lambda function:

a = [1,2,3,4]
list(map(lambda x:x*x,a))
[1, 4, 9, 16]

With map more than one sequence can be used -

b = [1, 1, 1, 1]
list(map(lambda x,y:x+y, a,b))    
[2, 3, 4, 5]

Filter function

This function is used to filter the outputs if the sequence satisfies some condition. This can be easily written as a list comprehension or a generator. list(filter(lambda x:x%2==0, range(1,11))

Reduce function

This was removed from the inbuilt functions in python3 and added to functools. It is similar to map function but unlike map it takes only one iterable. list(reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, a)). Internally assigns x and y and calculates the desired function.

Each of the above function can be substituted with list comprehension.

namespace and variable scope

Namespace is the space occupied by an entity in the program. When two or more programs contain the same name, a method to invoke a unique program is done using its module name.


Variable scope has three visibilty levels – builtin, global, enclosed, and local.

Local scope - variables defined inside a local function. Their lifecycle ends with the local function. Global scope - variable defined at the top of the module and is available for all the functions underneath it. Enclosed scope - seen in nested function. built-in scope - names within python built-in functionality like print().

Change a global variable inside a local function? use global keyword. Change a enclosed variable inside an enclosed(nested)-local function? use nonlocal keyword. The order of execution follows local, enclosed, global, and built-in.


Closure is a concept to invoke an enclosed(nested)-local function outside of its scope. This uses a python’s property – functions are first class object. Example -

def f():
    return 2
g = f

g here gets the function f’s location(reference) or the path of the function till the end of it. This functionality is helpful in accessing an enclosed(nested)-local function beyond its scope.

example -

def f():
    x = 4
    def g():
        y = 3
        return x+y
    return g

a = f()
print(a) #--> returns path till function 'g'
print(a()) #--> returns 7
print(a.__name__) #--> return function 'g' name.
<function f.<locals>.g at 0x1037b8dc0>

Why closures? * Avoid global values * Data hiding * Implement decorators


Any callable object that is used to modify a function or class. Adds additional functionality to existing function or class. Basically a wrapper around the existing function where the existing function code couldn’t be changed but additional features/checks are necessary. It is much easier to use the decorator than writing one. The wrapper becomes complex as the functions it wraps get longer.

A decorator should: * take a function as parameter * add functionality to the function * function needs to return another function

Two types: - Function decorator - Class decorator

function call as parameter

def f1():
    print("hello from f1")
def f2(function):
    print("hello from f2")
hello from f2
hello from f1

Multiple decorators

def f1(func):
    def inner():
        return "first " + func() +" first"
    return inner

def f2(func):
    def wrapper():
        return "second " + func()+" second"
    return wrapper

def ordinary():
    return "good morning"

first second good morning second first

>>>> first second good morning second first

At first, the f2 decorator is called and prints second good morning second, then f1 decorator takes that output and prefixes and suffixes with first.

Decorators with parameters

To pass parameters to a decorator, the nested function in the previous case must be defined inside a function.

def outer(x):
    def f1(func):
        def inner():
            return func() + x
        return inner
    return f1

@outer(" everyone")
def greet():
    return "good morning"

<function outer.<locals>.f1.<locals>.inner at 0x13f874310>
def div1(a,b):
    return a/b

def div2(a,b,c):
    return a/b/c

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

To protect against division-by-zero error, a decorator is written.

def div_by_zero_dec(func):
    def inner(*args):
        for i in args[1:]:
            if i == 0:
               return "Enter valid non-zero input for denominator"
        #gives the general error and not decorator output for div2 function if the input is zero
        #answer =  ["Enter valid non-zero input for denominator" if i == 0 else func(*args) for i in args[1:]]
        return func(*args)
        #return answer  
    return inner

def div1(a,b):
    return a/b

def div2(a,b,c):
    return a/b/c

Enter valid non-zero input for denominator
Enter valid non-zero input for denominator

Data hiding

Decorators inherently hides the original function. To avoid that we can use wraps() method from functools.

from functools import wraps
def outer(x):
    def f1(func):
        def inner():
            return func() + x
        return inner
    return f1

@outer(" everyone")
def greet():
    return "good morning"


Class decorators

Decorator function can be applied to class methods also.

#check for name equal to Justin is done with a decorator
def check_name(func):
    def inner(name_ref):
        if == "Justin":
            return "There is another Justin"
        return func(name_ref)
    return inner

class Printing():
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def print_name(self):
        print(f"username is {}")

p = Printing("Justin")
#username is Justin
#There is another Justin
'There is another Justin'

To make a class decorator, we need to know about a special method called __call__. If a __call__ method is defined, the object of a class can be used as function call.

class Printing():
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def __call__(self):
        print(f"username is {}")

p = Printing("Lindon")
# username is Lindon
username is Lindon

Class decorator on a function

class Decorator_greet:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func
    def __call__(self):
        return self.func().upper()

def greet():
    return "good morning"


Built-in decorators

  • @property
  • @classmethod
  • @staticmethod


  • Class methods as attributes The idea of a wrapper is to make changes to code base without hindering its use for the end user. Using @property decorator, a class variable which is now a class method will give the result if used just like accessing the variable. For example - objectname.function() or objectname.function will give the same result without errors. So the user can access just like they did previously.

Borrowing idea from other programming languages, the private variables are defined with __ prefix. So to access those variables, getter, setter, and deleter methods are necessary. Accessing is done with getter method. So it gets @property decorator. Both setters and deleters get @functionname.setter or @functionname.deleter. (verify this. could be wrong)

  • @classmethod Insted of self, the classmethod decorator takes cls as first argument for its function. These methods can access and modify class states.

  • @staticmethod This is similar to classmethod but takes no predefined argument like instance method(self) or classmethod(cls). These methods can’t access class state. So ideally they are used for checking conditions.

Decorator Template

import functools

def my_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Do something before
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        # Do something after
        return result
    return wrapper

Context Managers

Usually with is used w.r.t to file operations, database connections. In addition to using with and as keywords, we can make custom context managers using @contextlib.contextmanger which is a generator decorator.

from contextlib import contextmanager

def opening(filename, method):
    f = open(filename, method) 
        yield f

with opening("hello.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("hello there")

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