Here I note down all things related to Linux which I find interesting. Those can be just short notes or tips and tricks to future reference.
Makefile is a wonderful utility application that allows to define rules which are then run in the order of their definition.
target ... : prerequisites ...
Mostly Makefile makes it easier to execute two or more commands in a single execution or abbreviate a lengthy command.
For example, docker-compose up -d
can be abbreviated or aliased as make up
Or, make pg-src
curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" localhost:8083/connectors/ -d '@./connectors/pg-src-connector.json'
Or, make tsetup
which expands to tsetup: tup tc ci
runs two or more make commands sequentially as those targets mentioned as prerequistes.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up -d
@echo -n "sleeping for 30s to launch all containers..."
@sleep 30
. ./tests/
@echo -n "sleeping for 10s to get ready for testing..."
@sleep 10
docker exec test_suite pytest -p no:warnings -v
The @
flag infront of an echo command or any Linux command, suppresses its output
Usually each line inside a target gets displayed before executing. Sometimes it is unnecessary. For example, @echo -n "sleeping for 10s to get ready for testing..."
won’t display echo -n "sleeping for 10s to get ready for testing..."
but rather just sleeping for 30s to launch all containers...
flag in front of sleep
command suppresses sleep 30
being displayed as we already written a longer sentence previously.